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Content Localization Application Sheet

Identify User Location to Deliver Geographically Targeted Content with IP Intelligence Technology

The Internet makes every online company instantly global, which can be a double-edged sword for many. On one hand, the sales and revenue opportunities are immense. On the other, the competition increases—and not just from across the street.

Providing one-size-fits-all content to online visitors is no longer effective in reaching and relating to geographically dispersed audiences. In reality, there are no longer “national” or “international” consumers. They’re digital. And, they’re local. Localization not only allows brands to leverage the unique wants and needs of consumers, but also allows them to identify those needs across very specific and pinpointed geographic areas.

IP Geolocation Reduces Site and Transaction Abandonment

Brick-and-mortar stores know where their customers come from so they can stock shelves differently; present signs and conduct transactions in native languages; and show prices in the right currency. The online audience is so vast that this is not an easy task. Buying decisions are often made within milliseconds, and companies have but a short window of opportunity to provide relevant content and products in order to reduce website and transaction abandonment.

Locally targeted content has been proven to perform better than global content, facilitating six times more engagement. But, how can businesses easily and successfully localize content in today’s data-overloaded, privacy-sensitive environment? With IP-based geolocation technology. Armed with real-time information based on users’ geographic locations, companies of any size—from mom-and-pop retailers to globally recognized corporations—can customize website content, language, currency, products and promotions for their online audiences, creating a first-touch, instant connection.

Increase the Likelihood of Moving Users from Research to Action

Whether you are a leading retailer, e-commerce site, brand, publisher or website wanting to connect with a diverse and dispersed online audience, Digital Element’s geolocation and IP Intelligence technology can provide the information you need to serve relevant content on the fly in a simple and cost-effective manner.

Beyond geography, NetAcuity can also determine other pieces of information such as a user’s connection type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), mobile carrier, domain name, company name, home or business user and more―providing the data necessary to localize content in new ways to produce the results you want.


  • Enhance the Shopping Experience – Customize website content, language, currency, products and promotions to create an instant customer connection.
  • Simplify the Customer Experience – Deliver the right content at the right time, decreasing the time consumers spend searching for products and services and getting them to check-out quicker.
  • Increase Online Revenues – Provide targeted merchandise and messages to increase response rates by as much as 300 percent.
  • Drive Offline Revenue – Use geotargeted promotions and coupons to drive online traffic to make offline purchases at stores or service locations nearest users.
  • Identify Mobile Users – Target WiFi-enabled connections with location-specific information to move visitors along in the sales cycle with relevant content and promotions.

View the Full Data Sheet (PDF)

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