Meet us at ChinaJoy in Shanghai | July 26-29

About Us

Digital Element is the Global IP Address Intelligence and Geolocation Leader

We Bring the Power of Geolocation & IP Address Intelligence to the Online World

Digital Element’s mission is to enrich our client’s decision-making and innovation by providing the world’s most valuable IP address and location intelligence, while preserving the safety and privacy of consumers.

For over 20 years, Digital Element has been a global leader in providing geolocation data and IP address intelligence services that enhance online initiatives across desktops and mobile devices. Our patented technology ensures real-time access to accurate location intelligence and IP address context without compromising user privacy.

We own over 20 different patents for our IP geolocation technology, and are recognized as the de facto standard in IP geolocation technology, offering the most granular and accurate solution on the market.

Trusted by many major websites, brands, security firms, ad networks, social media platforms, and mobile publishers for nearly two decades, Digital Element powers targeted advertising, localized content, advanced analytics, content rights management, fraud and cybercrime prevention, and much more.

Why Leading Brands Choose Digital Element

  • Highest Accuracy & Precision – Accurately geolocate IP addresses down to the postcode/ZIP+4 level. Accuracy is 99.99% at a country level, 98%+ at a regional level, and 97%+ at a city level – globally.
  • Speed – Query over 35,000 IPs per second, ensuring you always get the data you need, the instant you need it.
  • Privacy is Priority – All information is gathered completely anonymously, without using cookies or tracking users’ online behaviors―helping you stay GDPR compliant. No personally identifiable information is ever collected or stored.
  • Comprehensive IP Address Intelligence Data– Digital Element’s comprehensive set of databases delivers rich insights about your online audience to help inform impactful business decisions and outcomes. We offer 59+ parameters in addition to location, including POI, mobile carrier, connection speed, proxy type/description, ISP, demographics, company name, and more.
  • Coverage & Reliability – Our solutions cover 99.9999% of all seen IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) worldwide, and work reliably – even if a device’s GPS is turned off.
  • Global Support – Free, dedicated, 24/7 support from seasoned industry experts to help you maximize the potential of leveraging our data for your use case.
  • Ease of Use – Our solution can be used as standalone or can be seamlessly integrated within existing enterprise platforms. Implementation options include API-based server software, a flat-file download, or a high-performance cloud service.

Press Highlights

Mobile Marketing Association Location Based Marketing Association Streaming Video Alliance

Leadership Team

Jerrod Stoller


Josh Anton

Chief Strategy Officer

Kaitlyn O’Shaughnessy

Chief Financial Officer

Frank Bobo

Senior VP, General Manager

David Moser

Chief Architecture Officer

Jeff Burdette

Chief Information Officer

Vinod Kashyap

Chief Product Officer

Michael Kercher

Chief Privacy Officer

Company History

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