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Bizo Getting Down to Business With Digital Element’s IP Intelligence Targeting Technology

New Bizographic Ad Targeting Network to Leverage Location, Domain, and Company Targeting Parameters to Ehance Industry’s Most Targeted B2B Network

ATLANTA – (June 24, 2008) – Digital Element, the leading provider of IP Intelligence solutions, today announced that Bizo, the recently spun-off bizographic advertising business unit of ZoomInfo, will leverage the company’s IP Intelligence technology to enhance targeting capabilities within Bizo’s Bizographic Targeting Network (BTN).

Operating in stealth mode since October 2007, Bizo has been building its unique online B2B advertising platform, using data from many sources, including Digital Element’s IP Intelligence data to create the industry’s most targeted online ad platform for reaching business professionals online.

“There has been a gap in the market in terms of precision business-to-business ad targeting,” said Russell Glass, the CEO of Bizo. “With the help of the industry-leading targeting information provided by Digital Element, Bizo has hit the ground running with the industry’s most intelligent platform for targeting specific business audiences across the web.”

Along with the proprietary business segmentation targeting that Bizo has developed such as title, functional area, industry and company size, it will also leverage Digital Element’s IP Intelligence data to help hone audience segmentation capabilities and targeting based on a comprehensive set of parameters including country, region, state, city and zip code location information, domain name, and company name.

“We have worked with ZoomInfo for several years, and are excited to help build Bizo into the industry’s premier platform for delivering relevant, business-to-business advertising on the Web,” said Rob Friedman, Executive Vice President, Digital Element. “Bizo is unquestionably filling a gap in the market with its horizontal approach in delivering value to advertisers and publishers looking to reach business professionals online in a highly focused and intelligent way.”

Though still in a closed beta until its public launch in Q3, Bizo’s BTN is already delivering over 100 million unique impressions a month, and is providing its growing list of advertiser and publisher clients with value by delivering both higher conversions and a higher monetization of existing inventory. According to Glass, Bizo has already seen a 100 percent lift in conversions for its clients because of the depth-and-breadth of segmentation capabilities that they are bringing to the market.

“Bizo offers a truly unique approach to B2B targeting, and we look forward to bringing new value to advertisers and publishers looking to reach business professionals online in a highly targeted way,” continued Glass.

About Digital Element

Founded in 1999, Digital Element is the industry pioneer of IP Intelligence, a non-invasive, privacy-sensitive technology that automatically uncovers geographic information, connection speed, domain name, ISP, language and other characteristics about online users based solely on their IP addresses. This knowledge enables online businesses to customize content for more accurate and profitable online interactions, making it ideal for targeted advertising, content localization, geographic rights management, local search and enhanced analytics. Digital Element’s patented IP Intelligence solution with its exceedingly accurate geolocation capabilities is used by industry-leading advertising networks, web publishers, search engines, social networks, e-tailers, and analytics platforms around the world to revolutionize the way people experience the Internet.

Digital Element is a business unit of Digital Envoy, part of the Landmark Interactive division of Landmark Communications. For more information about Digital Element, visit

About Bizo

Bizo, Inc., a spin-off of ZoomInfo, the premier business search engine, is offering the industry’s largest targeted B2B advertising platform, allowing marketers and publishers to reach precise business audiences across the web. Bizo’s Bizographic Targeting Network (BTN) allows for targeting of over 20 million business professionals based on “business demographics” or bizographics that offer thousands of segmenting possibilities, driving higher conversions and the reduction of irrelevant messages for both marketer and publisher partners. For more information, please visit

Media Contacts:

For Digital Element:
Carabiner Communications
Suzanne Moccia
(404) 842-0823

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