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AT Internet Incorporates Digital Element Technology in Web and Mobile Analytics Platforms

Industry-leading Geolocation Technology Used to Improve Online Performance and Presence Through Worldwide Audience Segmentation 

LONDON – (4 December 2012) – Digital Element, the leading provider of IP geolocation technology, today announced that AT Internet, one of the world’s leaders in web analytics, has deployed NetAcuity® IP geolocation technology to provide worldwide geographic analyses to its global customer base.

AT Internet has deployed Digital Element’s technology in its analytics packages for both the web and mobile platforms. By doing so, AT Internet is able to help its customers better understand the geographic makeup of Internet traffic and perform segmentation analyses for marketing and sales activities.

“Our core competency is to handle huge volumes of data and provide accurate analyses for our customers,” said Yan Corneille, solutions architect, AT Internet. “As a leading web analytics provider, we needed to provide reliable geolocation analyses as part of our packages. The maintenance of an accurate IP geolocation database is full-time work that we chose to let the specialists at Digital Element handle.”

According to Corneille, Digital Element’s technology addresses AT Internet’s business needs by:

  • Maintaining current and accurate geolocation data;
  • Automatically updating data sources for its geographical services; and
  • Monitoring geo-data quality.

Implementing a non-invasive technology was an important factor for AT Internet in complying with data privacy laws. NetAcuity resides inside the AT Internet network, does not store any IP data, and remains isolated from any AT Internet customer data.

Independently verified to be more than 99.99 percent accurate at a country-level and 97 percent accurate at a city-level worldwide, Digital Element’s non-invasive IP Intelligence and geolocation technology not only provides Geographic location, but also Connection Type, Home/Business, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Domain, Proxy information and more, based solely on an IP address.

“If you’re involved in digital marketing or retailing, you should be measuring, reporting, analysing and taking actions based on your data,” said Kate Owen, Digital Element’s Managing Director, Europe. “Internet users’ behaviors have changed immensely, especially with the increasing use of mobile devices, and analytics has now become an essential component of any online strategy. Analytics providers, such as AT Internet, that are adding depth to their current analytical tools will be successful in helping customers tactically refine and monitor local and international marketing campaigns for improved online performance.”

About Digital Element

Digital Element delivers the de facto standard in IP Intelligence, providing coverage for 99.9999 percent of the Internet. Digital Element’s patented technology combines Internet routing infrastructure analysis with hundreds of millions of partner-derived online end-points, resulting in the most accurate IP geolocation data available today. Most of the world’s largest networks, websites, video portals and social networks deploy Digital Element’s IP technology to target advertising, localise content and video streaming, manage geographic rights and enhance analytics. As an industry pioneer, Digital Element has long been a technical leader in evolving non-invasive IP Intelligence technology and offers many IP datasets including Country/Region/City/Postcode Geography, Connection Speed, Mobile, Domain Name, ISP, Company Name, Industry, Home/Business, Language and Proxy information.

For more information on how to uncover new levels of insight about online users, please visit Digital Element is a business unit of Digital Envoy.

About AT Internet

AT Internet, European leader in the field of Web Analytics since 1995, helps companies drive their online performance and optimise their presence on all online marketing channels such as web and mobile sites, applications, e-CRM, social media etc. The company’s Online Intelligence solutions provide reliable, valid, complete decision-making data. AT Internet has placed agility at the heart of its innovation process to provide its clients with an evolutionary and 100% modular solution that responds to the challenges faced by companies today. The strength of AT Internet’s technology and the quality of its customer relations are recognised worldwide. AT Internet has more than 3,500 clients all over the world from all sectors. The company, which has more than 150 employees, is present in 20 different countries through its subsidiaries and partners.

Press contact : Fabienne Joffre – Press Relations Manager – – +33 (0)1 56 54 14 30

Digital Element Media Contacts:

Ginnia Cheng
Johnson King
020 7401 7968

North America:
Jan Sisko
Carabiner Communications


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