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AdJug Connects With Digital Element and Improves Customer Response Rates by More Than 50 Percent

ad:tech LONDON – (September 22, 2009) – As the leading European online advertising exchange, AdJug builds its success by connecting buyers and sellers of online advertising and providing them with transparency, control and choice. NetAcuity® IP Intelligence technology from Digital Element has enabled AdJug’s customers to segment Internet audiences and tighten the scope of their campaigns by providing the city-level granularity and accuracy necessary to market effectively online in Europe.

“In the United Kingdom, being able to geotarget online is imperative because of the small size of the country,” said Satish Jayakumar, co-founder and director, AdJug.  “We need to ensure that we have the best technology solutions for our growing exchange. And, that means taking advantage of online innovations that offer our customers more effective ways to deliver relevant ads— targeted with pinpoint accuracy—that produce better returns on investment and increase revenues.”

London-based AdJug has experienced rapid growth since its launch in 2007. The online advertising exchange has grown from two people to 67 employees, currently manages 600 to 800 monthly campaigns between the United Kingdom and Germany, and produces between 1.6 and 1.8 billion impressions a month. AdJug uses Digital Element’s patented technology to analyze data in real-time and ensure that the most relevant ads are served based on the location of the person viewing the page—down to a city level. The technology also provides advanced ad targeting, such as rich streaming video ads, based on a user’s connection speed and Internet Service Provider (ISP).

With 90 percent of AdJug’s customers employing NetAcuity, the level of response has increased by more than 50 percent, according to Jayakumar.

The following examples demonstrate how AdJug’s customers are taking advantage of these new advanced geotargeting capabilities:

  • Airline client ran fare specials in Glasgow and London;
  • Hotel client advertised vacancies in different locales;
  • Business client targeted users being served by certain broadband companies in order to deliver ads using streaming media;
  • Newspaper client delivered local ads across a number of different sites; and
  • Government promoted “quit smoking” and “healthy heart” public-service campaigns in areas with high rates of smokers and heart disease.

“Digital Element has really changed how we target advertisements,” Jayakumar said. “We can now deliver relevant ads to specific audiences, which reduces wasted impressions and increases click-through rates as well as message reach for our advertisers. We are taking the lion’s share of rebookings. Businesses are spending more with AdJug because they are getting results through our exchange.”

Buoyed by the success in servicing the United Kingdom and Germany, AdJug plans to expand to France in the very near future.

“AdJug is a great example of what can be achieved with our IP Intelligence technology,” said Rob Friedman, executive vice president, Digital Element. “We look forward to helping AdJug take geotargeting to the next stage with postal code level targeting offered through our new hyperlocal dataset, NetAcuity Edge. Because it allows online marketers to target content with even more precision and granularity, it is the next step in the evolution of how companies deliver advertising online and how consumers react to those messages.”

During ad:tech LONDON, visit Digital Element at Booth #233 and AdJug at booth #266.

About Digital Element

Founded in 1999, Digital Element is the industry pioneer of IP Intelligence, a non-invasive, privacy-sensitive technology that automatically uncovers geographic information, connection speed, domain name, ISP, language and other characteristics about online users based solely on their IP addresses. This knowledge enables online businesses to customize content for more accurate and profitable online interactions, making it ideal for targeted advertising, content localization, geographic rights management, local search and enhanced analytics. Digital Element’s patented IP Intelligence solution with its exceedingly accurate geolocation capabilities is used by industry-leading advertising networks, web publishers, search engines, social networks, e-tailers, analytics platforms, and online enterprises around the world to revolutionize the way people experience the Internet.

Digital Element is a business unit of Digital Envoy, part of Landmark Interactive, a Landmark Media Enterprises Company. For more information about Digital Element, visit

About AdJug

AdJug is a transparent display exchange, where advertisers and agencies can buy unsold inventory from online publishers.

Founded in 2007 by Satish Jayakumar and Michael Stephanblome, AdJug is now the largest transparent display exchange in the U.K. It trades over 2 billion ad impressions a month, across 4,000 plus U.K. websites, equating to 82% reach (Nielsen June 09).

AdJug has offices in London, Germany and India. For more information about AdJug, please visit

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