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Our Videos

The DARK Side of VPNs

Digital Element’s VP, R&D Jonathan Tomek speaks with Naomi Brockwell of NBTV to break down the risks associated with using a VPN. While not all VPN services are nefarious, there is a dark underbelly to this industry. Inspired by a talk Jonathan gave at D3FCON, Naomi reached out to him to help her explain how VPNs are used, their original real intent, and what everyone needs to know about the risks of using a VPN.

NAB Show 2022: Reducing Content Piracy in the Internet Era

Digital Element’s Director of Product Management, Joe Hebensteit, joins a panel of experts at the NAB Show 2022 in Las Vegas to discuss content piracy. Watch to learn about the emerging trends that content owners and operators need to consider, as well as the legal and technological avenues that can protect intellectual property, and the role that the wider industry can play in making content available for monetization.

NAB Show 2022: How IP Intelligence Data Benefits Broadcasters

Digital Element’s Vice President, Advertising and New Media, Natasha Templeton speaks at the Connected Media IP Studio at the NAB Show in Las Vegas. At NAB, we spoke with broadcasters about use cases for IP Intelligence data, such as digital rights management, licensing and content rights, delivery of personalized programming and ads, and optimized content delivery.

Whiteboard: IP Intelligence Data Considerations When Selecting a Provider

In this sixth, and final, installment of the Digital Element white board video series, we provide companies with a list of questions to consider before selecting an IP geolocation data provider because not all IP vendors are created equal.

Whiteboard: IP Intelligence Data Myths vs. Facts

In this fifth installment of the Digital Element white board video series, we set the record straight by dispelling some of the common misconceptions surrounding the use of IP geolocation data.

Whiteboard: IP Intelligence Data Boosts Online Advertising

In this fourth installment of the Digital Element white board video series, we explain how our global IP geolocation data and audience context solutions give brands the ability to reliably target consumers despite the demise of third-party cookies and an increasingly stringent consumer privacy landscape.

Whiteboard: IP Intelligence Data Fortifies Digital Rights Management

In the third installment of the Digital Element whiteboard video series, learn how the company’s global IP geolocation data and audience context solutions protects against unauthorized access and unlawful distribution of digital assets, helping publishers and distributors fortify digital rights management and protect future revenue streams.

Whiteboard: IP Intelligence Data Prevents Online Fraud

In the second installment of the Digital Element white board video series, learn how the company’s global IP geolocation data and audience context solutions combat online fraud by preventing unauthorized access to accounts, verifying legitimate users and protecting digital transactions.

Whiteboard: IP Intelligence Data Helps Make a Personal Connection

In the first installment of the Digital Element whiteboard video series, learn how the company’s global IP geolocation data and audience context solutions address the anonymous nature of the internet by giving companies accurate, timely, and privacy-sensitive intelligence on digital consumers―including location, connection types, demographics, points of interest, mobile carrier data and more―helping them better understand and connect with their online audiences.

Affise Talks Campaign Uplift with IP Data

Dmitry Zotov, founder and CTO of Affise, discusses how the use of Digital Element’s IP intelligence and geolocation data gives clients increased conversion rates and better quality of traffic, while helping his performance marketing technology company stay more competitive.

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