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What is Reverse Geocoding?

What is Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding?

Today’s consumers encounter thousands of advertisements every day, making it especially difficult for companies to cut through the noise and reach potential buyers with brand messaging. Localized content offers a solution, letting businesses speak to a targeted, specific, and relevant audience.

That’s why highly-effective marketing initiatives are predicated on precision, making location data a critical part of geotargeted campaigns. However, with 85 percent of Americans using smartphones, creating and maintaining accurate, actionable datasets can be complex as imprecise or abundant location information makes it more challenging to target on-the-go consumers. 

Reverse geocoding solves this challenge, converting latitude and longitude data into useful and understandable geographic information that can power dynamic business and marketing initiatives. 

What is Reverse Geocoding?

Reverse geocoding is the process of back (reverse) coding a point location (latitude, longitude) to a readable address or place name. This makes it possible to identify nearby street addresses, places, and/or areas such as neighborhoods, counties, states, or countries from mobile GPS data.

So what is geocoding? This is the process which identifies latitude and longitude coordinates for a particular address, can add specificity to marketing initiatives, reverse geocoding enhances these efforts, providing even more specific context for content distribution without undermining privacy expectations or regulatory standards.

By converting otherwise useless latitude and longitude coordinates into useful and understandable geographic data, reverse geocoding can support a variety of business and marketing outcomes.

More specifically, reverse geocoding use cases include:

  • Nearest Location

    Companies can easily allow on-the-go consumers to find their closest physical location.

  • Real-time Targeting

    Brands can deliver more relevant, point-in-time context to mobile users.

  • Geographic Rights Management

    Content distributors can control access to digital content, regardless of device.

  • Fraud Prevention

    Businesses can leverage real-time mobile user information to strengthen identity verification.

Meanwhile, without reverse geocoding, when mobile users opt-in to location-based services (in app) or share their locations (mobile web), the latitude/longitude coordinates are the only information provided, offering numbers and decimals that fail to provide context or critical insights about mobile users. 

Reverse Geocoding With Digital Element

GeoMprint is Digital Element’s reverse geocoding solution targeted at mobile device traffic, converting a device’s raw location coordinates into more useful geographic information. This information allows clients to target mobile users with unmatched accuracy and reliability, bringing context to on-the-go interactions.

Leveraging our unique Mobility Index™, which indicates whether an IP is fixed or mobile, and our machine-learning methodologies, we have made the missing connection between stationary and on-the-go consumers, their locations, and the points of interest around them.

Offered as a web service, GeoMprint takes GPS-obtained latitude/longitude coordinates and converts that data into more useful geographic information that can power business and marketing priorities.  

For example, with GeoMprint, mobile users can automatically receive more localized content, messages, advertising, and promotions. Unlike other solutions, GeoMprint does not involve any contingencies that require a map to be used in tandem with the geolocation data output. GeoMprint also does not restrict the number of queries.

When coupled with NetAcuity, solution of choice for the world’s most recognized brands looking for global IP and location targeting data, GeoMprint allows for more comprehensive mobile targeting across connection types, meaning clients deliver localized messages to both online and mobile users alike. Furthermore, POI data can now also be returned from latitude/longitude inputs.

With digital advertising on mobile devices accounting for 70 percent of marketing expenditures, brands need specific, actionable insights to reach their audience. Localizing content is the way to do that, and reverse geocoding provides the data and insights needed to make that possible.

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