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Infectious Media Incorporates Digital Element’s IP Geolocation Technology into its Real-Time Bidding Platform

Industry-leading IP geolocation technology used to improve online advertising performance

LONDON, UK, 27th November, 2013: Digital Element, the leading provider of IP geolocation technology, today announced that Infectious Media, one of the world’s leading Real-Time Bidding companies, has deployed its NetAcuity Edge® IP targeting solution within its data management platform to enable worldwide geographic user segmentation and advertising optimisation.

Each month, Infectious Media processes more than 40 billion ad decisions and 100 gigabytes of data across 60 different sources globally.  Using geographic location within to its audience modeling and targeting capabilities significantly enhances advertising performance for its clients by minimising wasted impressions, reducing cost per acquisition and increasing ROI.

“To ensure our platform encompassed the best audience profiling possible, we required the most accurate and reliable geolocation technology”, said Daniel de Sybel, Director of Technology and Operations, Infectious Media. “Digital Element’s technology was the clear choice because it is seen as the industry standard, it is simple to deploy and is more granular than any other data on the market. This has now opened up a new world of creative advertising campaigns at the postcode level, and we’ve already seen pretty dramatic increases in client advertising performance as a result.’’

Founded in 1999, Digital Element is the industry pioneer of IP geolocation technology, and its NetAcuity Edge technology has revolutionised the IP geolocation space. By combining IP routing infrastructure analysis with anonymous location insight gleaned from a network of global commercial partners, NetAcuity Edge provides the most detailed, hyperlocal dataset available worldwide today that maintains user anonymity and complies with the highest standards of end-user privacy.

Charlie Johnson, Digital Element’s Media Director, Europe, commented: “The addition of extremely  accurate geolocation data to Infectious Media’s audience analysis toolkit will provide another dimension to campaign optimisation and ultimately help clients gain the maximum possible return on their advertising investments.’’

Infectious Media joins some of Digital Element’s other high-profile ad network clients including, Microsoft Advertising, Nokia Ads, Yahoo! Advertising, MediaMath, Crimtan and InSkin Media.

About Digital Element

Digital Element delivers the de facto standard in IP geolocation intelligence, providing coverage for 99.9999 percent of the Internet. Digital Element’s patented technology combines Internet routing infrastructure analysis with hundreds of millions of partner-derived online end-points, resulting in the most accurate IP geolocation data available today. Most of the world’s largest networks, websites, retailers, publishers, advertisers and more deploy Digital Element’s IP technology to target advertising, localise content and video streaming, manage geographic rights and enhance analytics. As an industry pioneer, Digital Element has long been a technical leader in evolving non-invasive IP geolocation intelligence technology.

For more information on how to uncover new levels of insight about online users please visit Digital Element is a business unit of Digital Envoy Inc.

About Infectious Media

Infectious Media is a young, vibrant and award-winning company specialising in real-time advertising. Founded in 2008 at the inception of real-time bidding, they were one of the first real-time practitioners globally and a pioneer in Europe. Today, they run campaigns for leading advertisers from their offices in London, Paris and Hamburg. On any given day they have campaigns live in over 50 countries. Each month they process more than 40 billion ad decisions and 100 gigabytes of data across 60 different sources.

Infectious Media is a specialist in intelligent online display, combining advanced analytics with proprietary targeting and optimisation tools to power efficient real-time display advertising.

Digital Element Media Contact:
Hazel Johnstone, GingerMay Marketing
Tel: +44 (0)203 364 1124

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