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Digital Data Exhaust
Research Results

Is Your Company Missing Opportunities with Unused Data?

Many companies are throwing away valuable data simply because they don’t know what they have or how to use it. We call this “digital exhaust,” and this research aims to shed some light on this missed opportunity and to provide real insight on the availability and utilization of location data.

Key Findings

This research was conducted over the summer of 2018 and, most interestingly, we learned that more than 50 percent of marketers are aware or concerned about the data their companies are throwing away.

Almost 30 percent of digital marketers did not know the percentage of data their companies threw away that wasn’t tied to a latitude and longitude response.
With an opportunity to use an extra 25 percent of the data they currently discard, 60 percent of respondents said it would definitely result in increased revenues.
71 percent of digital marketers ranked location data as very important: 55 percent were currently using location-based IP data, and 32 percent planned to add it in the next 12 to 18 months.

Download the Full Report

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