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ZEDO Upgrades to Digital Element’s Industry-Leading IP Intelligence Technology

Client’s Growing Need for Sophisticated Targeting Drives Decision to Replace Current Technology

ATLANTA (July 31, 2007) – Digital Element, the leading provider of IP Intelligence solutions, today announced that ZEDO, an Internet ad serving company, is upgrading to its NetAcuity® IP Intelligence technology.

The commitment to address clients’ growing needs for more advanced targeting drove ZEDO to move to Digital Element’s NetAcuity technology, due in large part to its unsurpassed accuracy and depth.

“As our clients become more refined in terms of types of content and enhanced targeting requirements, we need to keep pace with a more advanced IP Intelligence technology product that can service high-volume, global companies” said Roy De Souza, CEO of ZEDO. “Digital Element is the industry standard for sophisticated geographic IP database targeting with unsurpassed quality, so it was a simple and clear choice for us to upgrade to NetAcuity.”

ZEDO will utilize NetAcuity to replace and upgrade existing geo-targeting capabilities as well as to give its clients access to a variety of new features that leverage IP data, including the delivery of online video ads and the ability to offer behavioral targeting. With NetAcuity, ZEDO will significantly improve the reliability and granular detail for its geo-targeting capabilities in both the U.S. and international markets.

“Today’s savvy Internet marketers expect and demand a high return on investment for their online advertising programs,’ said Rob Friedman, executive vice president and co-founder at Digital Element. “Incorporating accurate IP Intelligence gives them the assurance their ads are being delivered to the proper audience, worldwide. Digital Element’s leadership role in the IP Intelligence space was built on having the most accurate and granular level of data – so marketers can rest assured that their message is being received by the most relevant audience.“

Every business needs to know how to leverage IP Intelligence within its online marketing efforts to deliver measurable results and improve success. IP Intelligence determines information about an online user such as geographic location (country, region, state, city and zip code); connection speed; area code; Internet Service Provider (ISP); North American Industry Classification System (NAICS); domain name; demographics; company name; proxies; Designated Market Area (DMA)/Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA); language; time zone; and longitude/latitude.

In particular, the online video market is exploding with companies looking for ways to customize delivery of ads to tap into this market successfully — such as only serving rich media ads to those users with high-speed connections. Utilizing IP Intelligence will allow ZEDO’s clients to take advantage of the online video ad market by knowing parameters such as how a user is connected – ensuring them that their ads are being delivered in the right format to the right audience, producing more effective results for their advertising dollars.

About Digital Element

Digital Element delivers the de facto standard in IP Intelligence, providing coverage for 99.9999 percent of the Internet and collecting more than one million points-of-view daily from different online vantage points. Taking advantage of its patented technology and a team of dedicated data analysts, some of the world’s largest networks, websites and search engines access the most comprehensive set of IP data available to deliver targeting advertising, content localization, geographic rights management, local search optimization and analytics. Through Digital Element’s industry vision and leadership, this non-invasive technology has evolved into much more than geographic information and now includes other intelligence factors such as connection speed, domain name, ISP and language.

For more information on how to uncover new levels of insight about online users, please visit Digital Element is a business unit of Digital Envoy.

About ZEDO

ZEDO, Inc. is the third largest ad serving technology solution provider worldwide. Founded in 1999, ZEDO’s proprietary Third Generation Ad Serving™ technology provides Industry-leading advancements that enable cost-effective ad serving products and services. ZEDO supplies customers with the tools and information they need to effectively manage their online advertising activity such as: low cost rich media serving, automatic revenue optimization, precision targeting, efficient trafficking, and much more. ZEDO is a global company headquartered in San Francisco with offices in London, Mumbai and St. Petersburg.

Media Contacts:

Jan Sisko
Carabiner Communications

Jan Freeman

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