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Web Marketing with a Local Accent: Optimost to Optimize Web Content Based on Geography

Geotargeting Technology from Digital Element Enables Web Site Optimization Firm to Track Conversion Rates Based on Location

Optimization Summit, San Francisco, CA (October 3, 2007) – Optimost, the pioneer in website optimization, today announced the integration of Digital Element’s NetAcuity® IP Intelligence technology into its persona-recognition algorithm. This newly enhanced targeting capability will allow Optimost to track the physical location and related attributes of any Web site visitor, and use that information to tailor specific web content to different regional audiences. The announcement was made today at the Optimost Optimization Summit being held at San Francisco’s Moscone Center.

“As online retailers, direct marketers and subscription-based online services increasingly focus on tweaking their sites to drive the highest possible conversion rates, the ability to accurately target different audience segments has been the holy grail of interactive marketing,” said Optimost CEO Mark Wachen. “With this new technology we’re able to optimize an ecommerce landing page to lead with winter jackets for New Yorkers and swimsuits for Floridians. We’ll be able to determine what sells better at night in the west, during the day in the northeast… And then we’ll be able to optimize the user experience based on that data.”

Optimost’s geotargeting functionality is powered by a partnership with Digital Element, the leading provider of IP Intelligence solutions. Optimost is integrating the firm’s NetAcuity® IP Intelligence technology into its existing persona-recognition algorithm to automatically track conversion rates based on different locations, create personas based on geographic location and optimize content specifically for visitors from certain locations. Ultimately, the new algorithm will enable marketers to tailor web content to any given audience at any time of day, greatly improving their overall conversion rates.

“We are excited to be partnering with Optimost as they take website optimization to the next level, ” said Rob Friedman, executive vice-president and co-founder at Digital Element. “By employing accurate IP Intelligence, Optimist’s clients’ will quickly enhance the relevance of their online businesses and gain the knowledge needed to build stronger customer relationships and brand awareness.”

Recognizing that individuals visit web sites for a variety of reasons and enter through different avenues, Optimost has greatly expanded and enhanced its persona creation and targeting offerings. The announcement of Optimost’s new geotargeting capabilities follows closely on the heels of its recent release of new functionality that provides for automatic tracking and targeting by browser, operating system, and type of device – including mobile phones such as the new Apple iPhone and gaming consoles like the Nintendo Wii. Optimost was the first and only company to provide persona targeting and segmentation for mobile devices and gaming consoles.

About Optimost

New York-based Optimost is a technology and services company specializing in comprehensive real-time testing and conversion rate marketing. Pioneers in the field of multivariable testing, the firm is able to create and test virtually limitless permutations of copy, offers and layouts in the time it takes to conduct a standard A/B page comparison test. By combining real-life response data with information about which variables were displayed in the test, Optimost clients are able to determine how much each individual website element contributes to the overall response rate. Client web pages can then be optimized further based on the combinations of most positive individual site elements. Optimost clients include: InterActiveCorp, Lillian Vernon, Delta Air Lines, Time Warner, QVC, and EarthLink. For more information, please visit:

About Digital Element

Digital Element delivers the de facto standard in IP Intelligence, providing coverage for 99.9999 percent of the Internet and collecting more than one million points-of-view daily from different online vantage points. Taking advantage of its patented technology and a team of dedicated data analysts, most of the world’s largest networks, websites and search engines access the most comprehensive set of IP data available to deliver targeting advertising, content localization, geographic rights management, local search optimization and analytics. Through Digital Element’s industry vision and leadership, this non-invasive technology has evolved into much more than geographic information and now includes other intelligence factors such as connection speed, domain name, ISP and language. For more information, please visit the company’s website at

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