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AdOn Network Switches to Digital Element’s Industry-Leading IP Intelligence Technology

Need for More Accurate Targeting and Impressive Client List Sway Decision

New York – Ad:Tech (Nov. 5, 2007) – Digital Element, the leading provider of IP Intelligence solutions, today announced that AdOn Network, a leader in providing innovative, contextual and behavioral solutions for advertisers and publishers, is making a switch to NetAcuity® IP Intelligence technology.

AdOn Network, delivering more than 4 billion searches and 115 million unique users per month, wanted to provide more granular and accurate geographic targeting for its clients to ensure the accuracy of ad placements in order to maximize conversions for their campaigns. By utilizing highly accurate IP Intelligence data, ad networks can reduce variances with other networks and provide consistency of targeting, therefore providing clients with the ability to serve the right messages, to the right audiences, at the right times – and be able to deliver measurable results.

“We were referred to Digital Element by an industry colleague who was impressed with NetAcuity’s unsurpassed accuracy,” said Steve Armstrong, CEO of AdOn Network. “Digital Element’s stellar client list, which includes most networks we work with, also weighed heavily into our decision. Overall, this IP Intelligence technology will provide more consistent and accurate targeting, delivering the right customers to our advertisers and increasing their returns on investment.”

IP Intelligence determines information about an online user such as geographic location (country, region, state, city and zip code); connection speed; area code; Internet Service Provider (ISP); North American Industry Classification System (NAICS); domain name; demographics; company name; proxies; Designated Market Area (DMA)/Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA); language; time zone; and longitude/latitude.

“Internet marketers cannot be complacent when it comes to providing IP Intelligence information for their advertising clients because companies expect their campaigns to be successful, giving them high value for their advertising dollars, ” said Rob Friedman, Executive Vice President, Digital Element. “By incorporating NetAcuity – the gold standard in the industry – marketers can be assured that their impressions are not being wasted in the wrong location, but are being delivered to the most applicable audience.”

About Digital Element

Digital Element delivers the de facto standard in IP Intelligence, providing coverage for 99.9999 percent of the Internet and collecting more than one million points-of-view daily from different online vantage points. Taking advantage of its patented technology and a team of dedicated data analysts, most of the world’s largest networks, websites and search engines access the most comprehensive set of IP data available to deliver targeting advertising, content localization, geographic rights management, local search optimization and analytics. Through Digital Element’s industry vision and leadership, this non-invasive technology has evolved into much more than geographic information and now includes other intelligence factors such as connection speed, domain name, ISP and language.

For more information on how to uncover new levels of insight about online users, please visit Digital Element is a business unit of Digital Envoy.

About AdOn Network

AdOn Network is a leader in providing innovative contextual and behavioral advertising solutions for advertisers and publishers, delivering over 4 billion searches and 115 million unique users per month. AdOn Network offers site-specific ROI tracking along with Behavioral, Contextual and Geo Targeting to equip advertisers with powerful performance-based tools to maximize their revenues. AdOn Network also features turnkey ASP solutions for Publishers which enable them to create, manage and distribute their own advertiser accounts. Founded in 1999, AdOn Network is a venture-backed company, based in Phoenix, Arizona. For more information,

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