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Digital Element Releases New NetAcuity IP Geolocation Developer’s Edition


The NetAcuity Developer’s Edition is no longer offered. For information regarding flexible options for NetAcuity, contact us or visit our Solutions page to learn more.

Industry-Leading IP Intelligence Technology Available for Evaluation, Small-Deployment and Development Purposes

ATLANTA – (May 22, 2012) – Digital Element, the leading provider of geolocation and IP Intelligence technology, today announced the global availability of its new NetAcuity® Developer’s Edition, designed to make it easier for companies to quickly access industry-leading IP geolocation data available in its flagship product line.

The NetAcuity Developer’s Edition can be quickly downloaded to provide organizations with the ability to explore the value geolocation can deliver and is intended for evaluation use, small deployments, or development projects around other web services, applications, platforms, or IPv6 initiatives.

“You simply can’t discuss online or mobile marketing strategies without making geolocation a part of that conversation today,” said Rob Friedman, executive vice president, Digital Element. “The entire space is moving at the speed of light. Developers need quick access to IP data in order to evaluate and determine how they can integrate it within their networks, websites, portals and social networks. Smaller businesses are looking to ‘test drive’ geotargeting capabilities without a lot of upfront investment. We wanted to make it as easy and affordable as possible for organizations―large and small―to realize the business value NetAcuity can bring to their online endeavors.”

The NetAcuity Developer’s Edition features:

  • Geo Data – Country, State/Region, City, Latitude/Longitude, Connection Speed.
  • Other Data Sets – Domain Name.
  • Delivery – Flat file only.
  • Data Limits – Maximum 1 million IP lookups per month.
  • Data Updates – Monthly (Data is at least one month old).
  • Accuracy – Lower accuracy due to use of month-old data; accuracy at approximately 99 percent for country level and 90 percent for city level.
  • Customer Service – None.

“Certainly, as companies grow and their needs change, if the Developer’s Edition is not sufficient to meet their enterprise-level geolocation needs, we can easily migrate them to the full-featured, highly-accurate standard NetAcuity and premium NetAcuity Edge offerings,” Friedman added.

Users can opt for a one-time file download or subscribe to downloadable monthly updates. Prices range from $75 to $150 per one-time download, depending on data sets. Subscriptions to ongoing updates are offered for $50 per month thereafter.

About Digital Element

Digital Element delivers the de facto standard in geolocation and IP Intelligence, providing coverage for 99.9999 percent of the Internet. Digital Element’s patented IP geolocation technology combines Internet routing infrastructure analysis with hundreds of millions of partner-derived online end-points, resulting in the most accurate IP geolocation data available today. Most of the world’s largest networks, websites, video portals and social networks deploy Digital Element’s IP location technology to target advertising, localize content and video streaming, manage geographic rights and enhance analytics. As an industry pioneer, Digital Element has long been a technical leader in evolving non-invasive IP Intelligence technology and offers many IP datasets including Country/Region/City/Postcode Geography, Connection Speed, Mobile, Domain Name, ISP, Company Name, Industry, Home/Business, Language and Proxy information.

For more information on how to uncover new levels of insight about online users, please visit Digital Element is a business unit of Digital Envoy.

Digital Element Media Contacts:

North America:
Jan Sisko
Carabiner Communications

Ginnia Cheng
Johnson King
020 7401 7968

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